Homemade Ready-to-Share Meals
Kitchenettes are independent contractors who deliver and distribute Famfare Kitchen meals from their own homes one or two days a week. The schedule is flexible. The job is easy. And the perks are great (free) dinner!
Create your own business delivering and distributing Famfare meals to friends and neighbors as residential pick-up point - known as a "Kitchenette."
Famfare is looking for individuals who would like to make a little money doing something fun, easy and convenient from their front door step.
We are trying to grow locally within neighborhoods where our clients live and work. With that, we are looking for people to deliver meals from our central kitchen to their neighborhoods and manage a residential pick-up location once a week for about a two hour window.
Working with Famfare is super easy - and it's fun - PLUS you get a complimentary meal for your family every week - hello?! Fun and free. For more info, click on the pdf below.
2024 FFK Kitchenette Go Form (pdf)
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